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Uh Oh. What is my ring size?

So you finally decided to get a jade ring of your choice. Hang on, what’s my ring size?

Often, we will guide our online customers through on how to measure their ring size at home. As almost 50% of our new online customers may not have owned a customised ring before, they are not sure of the ring size they should get. With the increasing queries, we have decided to write this post, so that all our customers will have a ring that suit their fingers comfortably, and finally get their ring measurement right, for good.

Without the assistance of a ring sizer or a ring chart, you can easily get your ring measurement with a string.

Wrap a string around the base of your finger. Measure the length with a ruler. This will be the circumference. Look up the circumference against below international ring size conversion chart. Gentle reminder that ring sizes quoted in ClassicJade are based on Singapore size.